Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council

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Construction Organizing Membership Education Training - COMET

Do you know your skills as a craftsman may be worth more today than at any time in recent history. This is because of a new Union program called COMET. This now makes your skills worth more. As a merit shop worker, you are viewed as "safe" and merit shop employers are competing for your services.

COMET is an educational program for all workers. Union and non-Union. The COMET program, launched several years ago in the state of Colorado, has informed thousands of workers of their right to organize and to cultivate feelings of friendship among those in the industry. COMET raises the standard of living for all workers, instead of lowering their standard of living in the construction industry.

Please check the page for your craft and ask yourself, WHY AM I NOT EARNING THE SAME WAGES?

The living standards of American workers have fallen along with the percentage of unionization.

It's time for all construction workers to work together to build a strong economy with middle-class jobs and a good future for ourselves and our children.

Construction Organizing Membership Education Training


- Open Letter
- The Union
- History
- Myth vs. Reality
- Dues
- Negotiations
- Contracts
- Right to Organize
- Prevailing Wage
- Labor Management


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7510 West Mississippi Avenue, Suite 240
Lakewood, Colorado 80226
303-936-3301 /  303-936-3314 (fax)

Business Manager - A. Neal Hall

Copyright © 2007 - 2014 -- Colorado Building and Construction Trades Council -- All rights reserved.